Zucchini Burgers

Ok, so this was AMAZING and super easy. Cameron put this together and they turned out wonderfully. He’s such a creative cook and makes us such delicious food!


1 1/2 lbs ground beef (or ground turkey/ground chicken)
1 1/2 cups shredded zucchini
1/2 large yellow onion
1 large eggs
Himalayan salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1/2 Tbs. expeller-pressed coconut oil (for greasing baking pans)
12 each Bubbies pickles
6 each tomatoes

Makes 6 servings


Preheat oven to 400° F. (We like to use the oven and bake our food A LOT so that we can be reading with kids, helping them do their homework or piano while dinner is cooking rather than slaving over the stove the whole time.  It’s all about time efficiency in our household…)

Shred zucchini and chop onions in food processor so it’s super fast and so they end up with a fairly fine texture. I love this food processor and use it a TON. The idea is to have the mixture be about half meat and half veggies, so adjust zucchini as necessary to get this approximate ratio.

In large mixing bowl, mix together ground beef, shredded zucchini, chopped onion, eggs, a good sprinkling of salt and pepper. I like to use my mixer for this.

Shape into 6 patties (this patty making tool is nice) and place on greased cookie sheet or cake pan. Grease with melted expeller-pressed coconut oil.

Bake for approx. 40 minutes or until done in the center.

Serve with 2 pickles and 1 sliced tomato with each serving.


Tip: Eat as lettuce wraps, crumble onto salad, make into meatloaf instead of burgers, use in spaghetti sauce or goulash, make as Salisbury steak with healthy homemade gravy etc.

We like to make 16 servings of this recipe and eat 4 servings for dinner for my husband Cameron, my two kids and me. Then we make Cameron’s and my lunch for the next day with 2 more servings. Then 2 more servings we’ll leave for leftovers night later in the week. The remaining 8 servings we freeze to build up our freezer meals for later in the month or a future month.

We ate these with Bubbies pickles and fresh tomatoes from our garden. The zucchini in the recipe was also fresh from our garden. So nice to have fresh produce you can just go outside and pick and to know how it was grown.

I am seriously in heaven eating this right now. Delicious and totally satisfying!

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Kristine Parker’s Weight Loss Blog
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Men’s Fat Loss Academy

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  • Marilee Matheson

    Reply Reply September 4, 2015

    I can’t wait to try this! You and Cameron are the best cooks, and I’ve never had anything you suggested that I didn’t like.

    • Kristine Parker

      Reply Reply December 18, 2015

      Thanks so much Marilee! These Zucchini Burgers are so delicious. We enjoy them often.

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